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Problem. Solved.

Design thinking uses a Human-centred approach to solve problems. It enables organisations to develop a systematic approach to innovation using insights from your customers and/or end-users to uncover hidden or unmet needs. 

Design thinking can be used for everyday challenges. And helps your team to develop ideas, solutions, products, services, experiences and strategies.


Design thinking Sprints.

Solve your biggest business challenges with a facilitated workshop session using proven Design thinking methods and collaboration tools.

We call them Design thinking sprints. We help your team break down their biggest challenges and create solutions and outcomes faster.

Time is always of the essence. And so we structure our sessions to tackle your biggest challenge in a day. The work doesn’t have to end there though. It’s just the beginning. 

We can do longer and multiple design thinking sessions. Let us know what works best for you and your team. 


Not just for designers.

Design thinking isn’t a skill set reserved only for those creative types. It is a methodology that can be and is used by people who aren’t necessarily trained or known as designers.

It enables everyone to use creative tools and a process to address a vast range of challenges in their business or organisation. 

Create innovative ideas and solutions using a Human-centred approach.


A walk in their shoes

People are the key to finding solutions to all problems. Empathy is a key driver in Design thinking as it enables you to respond to any latent need by developing innovative products, services, strategies and systems that work.

By putting yourself in the shoes of your customers, suppliers, employees or end-users, you are able to develop a deep emotional understanding of the challenges they face and create better solutions for them.

Live. Work. Create.

Insights – Gain insights and moments of inspiration from your customers by walking in their shoes. Learn about their day to day behaviours and habits. Immerse yourself in their world through observation, listening and doing.

Ideation – Look for the gaps. And the opportunities. Identify which gaps to fill. And the best opportunities to generate ways to create better customer experiences.

Implementation – Finalise the prototype design solution with further feedback. Make the necessary refinements and then build the business case ​to get your idea/solution ready to go to market.

Frequently Asked Questions.

Design thinking is a mindset and approach to problem-solving and innovation anchored around human-centered design.

Design thinking focuses on the end user and/or customer by understanding their needs and challenges first. Solutions are created to meet their needs and solve the challenges/problems they face.

Design Thinking is centered around a human-centric approach to problem-solving. It has five key stages: Empathy for the user, understanding and defining the problem, ideation, prototyping and testing the potential solutions for desirability, viability and feasibility.

Anyone who is directly involved with customers and/or end users would benefit from understanding the Design thinking process. Design thinking is key to solving problems, innovating and creating better end-user and customer experiences.

A design sprint is a time-constrained, five-phase process that uses a design thinking process. Sprints are used to develop a new products, services or customer experiences. They are also used to solve internal or external business challenges.

Generally, we run one day sprint sessions for your team to use Design thinking to solve problems/challenges. We appreciate time is of the essence. But we can design a sprint session that works for your team. We can do several workshop sessions to solve the challenge and get the right outcomes.

In person! Nothing beats being in person and interacting during the session. Virtual was a life saver for many professions. Virtual is there if we need it. But nothing beats being in person, in a creative space to solve problems and innovate.

Who needs to be in the room? We can have as many as you need. Ideally, you would have those who are going to do the work following the session. These are the doers. But you also need the thinkers. They can be the same people. But having diverse views and perspectives is key to ensuring viable solutions are created. 

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