Design thinking: A Human Centred Approach
Design thinking has become a crucial and proven methodology in problem-solving and innovation. It uses a Human-centred approach that incorporates empathy, and creativity. It leads to effective solutions by understanding the needs and challenges experienced by end-users and customers.
Design thinking promotes collaboration, critical thinking, and iterative problem-solving. And has become essential for transforming businesses and organisations to be customer centric. It develops skills in innovation which leads to better product and service development. And in turn leads to better customer experiences.
We get you thinking.
We create and facilitate training sessions where participants learn how to identify and solve a business challenge using proven Design thinking methodologies. These are hands-on sessions to introduce your team to a Human-Centred design approach.
Ready when you are!
Whether you are ready to go now or still need more info, we are an email or phone call away. So hit the button and start typing or dialling.
Design thinking: A proven process for problem solving.
Design thinking is a rigorous, collaborative, human-centered approach to generate solutions for customer problems and organisational challenges.
It is an innovative approach that can be used by people who aren’t necessarily trained as designers. Design thinking can be used to transform the way companies solve problems and develop products, services and customer experiences.
Key Takeaways
- Develop a growth mindset that is open to all possibilities
- Learn to feel comfortable with uncertainty
- Enhances problem solving, innovation and creativity
- Makes solutions and design more Human-centred
- Focuses on the customer/end user to solve their problems
- Greater awareness and empathy for other points of view
- Increase collaboration with peers and others in the organisation
- Learn how to generate and build on ideas/solutions
- Improves team productivity, communication & workplace culture
- Can be used by groups or individuals in their daily work.
We grow minds.
We are no lab technicians though. Our aim is to equip people with the right (growth) mindset to meet the challenges of a continually changing world.
We do this by training people and organisations on how to apply a Design thinking/Human-centred approach to find solutions and drive innovation.
Our hands-on training sessions take your team through a high-level overview of different creative and innovation processes. They will equip them to solve business challenges and develop innovative ideas, solutions, products, services and customer experiences.
How might we help you?
“Successful innovators are different. They understand that innovation is a learning process. And they have the right (growth) mindset for that process.”
– Stanford Psychologist, Professor Carol Dweck
Frequently Asked Questions.
What is Design thinking?
Design thinking is a mindset and approach to problem-solving and innovation anchored around human-centered design.
Why is Design thinking important?
Design thinking focuses on the end user and/or customer by understanding their needs and challenges first. Solutions are created to solve these problems/challenges.
What is the Design thinking Process?
Design Thinking is centered around a human-centric approach to problem-solving. It has five key stages: Empathy for the user, understanding and defining the problem, ideation, prototyping and testing the potential solutions for desirability, viability and feasibility.
Who should learn Design thinking?
Anyone who is directly involved with customers and/or end users would benefit from understanding the Design thinking process. Design thinking training is key to solving problems, innovating and creating better experiences for customers or end-users.
What roles do/should use Design thinking?
Typically, designers, product designers, marketers, product managers all use Design thinking. Other roles such as HR and leadership roles should learn and use Design thinking to better understand the needs and challenges their employees are experiencing.
How long is the Design thinking training?
Generally, we run one day training workshops for your team to learn the Design thinking process. But we can design a training session that suits your team. We are happy to design a training session that works for you.
How do you deliver the Design thinking training?
In person! Nothing beats being in person and interacting during the session. Virtual was a life saver for many professions. Its there if we need it. But nothing beats being in person, in a creative space to learn.
How many people can be in the training session?
How many do you want to train? We can have as many as you need. Ideally, it would be good to have 4-8 participants as a minimum. But the more the merrier. Let the learning begin!
Ready when you are!
Whether you are ready to go now or still need more info, we are an email or phone call away. So hit the button below to contact us.
And let the learning begin!